1) Mars is opposition to the sun. It rose from the east after the sunset. Mars is the red "dot" in the middle of the photo.
2) Full Moon Perigee. Since the orbit of the moon around the Earth is elliptic, it has a closest point (perigee) and furthest point (apogee), relative to Earth.
Today, I went to to the House of Music (Casa da Música). It was the Clubbing event: basically every different room of the House of Music has special music concerts (all electronic). I specially went to see the silent movie "Nosferatu" accompanied by Wolfgang Mittere at the electric organ.
Is is always nice to watch the first vampire movie ever made (in different formats)!!!
Last summer I went to Brazil (yes it was incredible...)!!!
One thing that they have a lot is fruit juices! And my favorite is was the "Limonada Suiça" (literally it means the swiss lemonade). Basically it is a lemonade made with limes... and overcome the bitterness, they add condensed milk.
This was my first attempt to make this delicious ""Limonada Suiça" (it came out a bit bitter...)
In this little village called Parceiros de Igreja (near Torres Novas) the "town festivities" are in August. At that time the village gets decorated with this plastic flowers all over the electric cables, lamp post, trees, etc. This decorations do not get taken off until they fall on the ground.
Children's Park, Parceiros de Igreja, Torres Novas, Portugal.
Today we went to the Tertúlia Castelense (bar) to see a magic show given by Helder Guimarães. He did several card tricks , some mentalist tricks and some amazing (lol) trick. All presented with a touch of comedy (almost stand up style). At one point I was even chosen to participate in a card trick on stage!! Needless to say that it was incredible.
Me, Nelma and Jorge, Tertúlia Castelense, Castelo da Maia, Maia, Porto, Portugal.
This is a little bit of pyrite. It basically is a iron sulphide and its yellowish tone gave this mineral the nickname of fool´s gold (for obvious reasons!!). This bit of pyrite comes from the Panasqueira Mines.
Basically, when it starts to rain (heavily), this little pool of water forms on the street adjacent to the superior base of the bridge. When the rain doesn`t stop the pool gets bigger and it overflows to the nearest street (exactly below).
Today, it is the King´s Day. In Spain (and in some Portuguese regions) it is the day of giving and opening the Xmas presents! In Portugal, it is the day of taking down the Xmas tree!
By the lighthouse, the waves break against the concrete wall. They seem small, but believe me... they here 3-4 meters high and the noise was incredible...
In the background I have the Chapel "do Senhor da Pedra" (literally "lord of the stone"). Due to erosion this chapel is now surrounded by ocean and can only be accessed when tides are low.
Having lunch in the legendary Lisbon café "A Mexicana". This is the second time we spent the new year eve in Lisbon and it always end by having lunch in "A Mexicana".